Archives par catégorie: Rudolf Steiner

nouveau cours en septembre…

Les Matinées  spirituelles, très spirituelles… Groupes d’ études spirituelles et de méditation pour esprits libres, indépendants, ouverts, rationnels et touchés par l’étincelle divine…  La spiritualité doit à notre époque être abordée scientifiquement. Ce n’ est plus une affaire de croyance. L’occident ignore  sa propre spiritualité. Il va chercher en Inde, dans le bouddhisme ce qu’il […]

Not one, but many healths..

There is not only one health, but there are as many healths as there are human beings. We must incorporate that in our attitude if we want to see the issues of health and illness in the right light. We must incorporate in our attitude that the human being is an individual being that every […]

The hero overcomes suffering

Why do we leave the theatre with a feeling of fulfilment after attending a tragedy? . Between advancing a step further and living through tragedy there is a link. […] The soul needs to form an organ so that it can bear suffering. Like the eye was formed by light, the ear by sound, suffering […]

Without spiritual impulses everything will lead to decadence, to barbarism, to the fall of civilisation

  What must be emphasised over and over again is the need there is today for things to be taken with deep seriousness. This goes against the grain. People choose to believe that things will continue in the same way. No, they will not. If life continues without the stimuli that come from the spiritual […]

Nothing is so disturbing, nothing can be so bitter and disheartening as to experience the result of our failure to develop love and compassion

The egoism we develop in the physical world, without being willing to acquire self-knowledge, shows up when it is carried into spiritual worlds. Nothing is so disturbing, nothing can be so bitter and disheartening as to experience the result of our failure to develop love and compassion in the physical world. Ascending into the spiritual […]

Strength by overcoming obstacles

Man has to acquire his strength by overcoming obstacles in the world, one after another. Strictly speaking all our strength was acquired by the overcoming of obstacles in previous incarnations. Our present capacities are the result of our illnesses in earlier lives. Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 107 – The Being of Man and His […]