– The therapist is required to act in accordance with legal regulations. The rights and obligations of the client and care provider are laid down in, among other things, the Medical Treatment Agreement Act (WGBO) and the Quality, Complaints and Disputes Care Act (Wkkgz).

– The therapist keeps a client file. The client has the right to inspect his own file. The file is stored for a total of 15 years in accordance with the legal retention period.

– The therapist undertakes to provide information regarding the treatment to the client at all stages of the treatment. The client undertakes to provide the therapist with relevant information through the intake interview.

– The therapist maintains confidentiality with regard to data provided by the client. However, with the exception of the data on which the client has stated that he / she does not object to the use for statistical purposes.

– The therapist may not perform certain treatments without the client’s consent.

– The therapist undertakes to refer the client correctly to a colleague therapist or a doctor if her / his treatment is inappropriate and / or adequate.

– The treatment can be terminated at any time by mutual consent.
If the person requesting assistance no longer appreciates the continuation of the agreement or considers it necessary, he / she may terminate it unilaterally. If the person requesting the therapist terminates the agreement against the therapist’s advice, the person requesting the therapist will sign a statement stating that he has prematurely terminated the research or treatment against the therapist’s advice in the investigation or treatment.
The therapist can only unilaterally terminate the agreement stating arguments if it cannot reasonably be expected of him / her to continue the agreement. The therapist will continue to provide help and advice in such a situation, until the person asking for help can conclude an agreement with another care provider.

– The client agrees with the rate of € 85 per consultation.

– Payment method for the treatments is per pin / on account / cash per consultation.

– The client undertakes to cancel an appointment in time (at least 24 hours in advance), otherwise the costs of the reserved time may be charged.

– For complaints about the treatment, the client can turn to the secretariat of the Association for Iokai Shiatsu Therapists (www.iokai-shiatsu.org). The client then has the choice whether he / she wants to discuss the complaint within the VIS with a confidential adviser, or wants to turn to a complaints officer from SCAG, a national dispute settlement body for complementary and alternative care. If a complaint cannot be handled as desired, the complaint will be submitted to the SCAG disputes committee. For disciplinary law, the client can turn to the TCZ Foundation, Disciplinary Complementary Care (www.tcz.nu).

– All possible adverse consequences arising from the withholding of information present in the medical file at the GP are for the account and responsibility of the client.

– Date: ……………………………………… Place: …………………………………… ..

– By signing this agreement, the client and therapist agree that they have read and will adhere to the provisions regarding the treatment agreement.

– Client’s signature: ………………………………………………………….

– Client name: …………………………………………. ………………

– Address: ………………………………………………………….

– Zipcode city: …………………………………………………………

Date of birth: …………………………………………………………

Name therapist: Christophe Dumont …………………………………………………………

Therapist’s signature: ……………………………… .. ………………………

– Name and address of practice:… InnerChoice-Shiatsu.
Hoge Zand 3A, 2512EK The Hague

– Membership number VIS: …… A2004148 …………………………………………… ..

– RBCZ registration number: 508013R ………………………………………………………….

Practice AGB code:… 90- (0) 10634…. ……………………………………………………

– Personal AGB code:: 90-031708, …………………………………………………………

For more info: www. shiatsudenhaag.org

– Affiliated with the Disputes Committee:… SCAG (Foundation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) no. 10712 ……