en travaux
Module 2: 10 lessons:
Sleep and death
The celestial hierarchies.
The creation of the universe and the human being through the spirituals hierarchies
Origins of the Bad. Why suffering and sickness.
To approach the healing forces of Christ through own free understanding.
Courses based on the books of Rudolf Steiner:
Die Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss (GA13)
Die Evolution vom Gesichtspunkte des Wahrhaftigen (GA 132)
Wie erlengt man Erkenntnisse der hoheren Welten? (GA 10)
Theosophie (GA 9)
Contact: Christophe Dumont
Hoge Zand 3A, 2512EK The Hague.
070 402 39 42
Lessons in English, Dutch or French, depending of the group.