Electromagnetic waves: Why are some people sensitive and others not?

Hello everyone,

In view of the interest of the previous article on the toy to protect itself from the waves Wifi (see the article toy-against-wifi), I believe that a small quick explanation on this sensitivity to the waves can be interesting:

There is a fundamental polarity in the human body between the nervous system and the digestive system.
This polarity is already visible in the embryo on the 9th day:


In adults, this polarity results in the Head-Belly polarity:

This head-to-belly polarity communicates with the rhythmic system of the lung / heart medium, but it will be for another time …

Each individual has a unique constitution.
In each constitution dominates one of the 3 poles:Head-Chest-Belly.

An individual or pole belly dominates will present this kind of constitution:

You will notice with his smile his joy of living on earth and his big hairy arms. In other words, it is an asset, a terrestrial concrete, a soon to be done.

He has no problem to be made. He sleeps deeply on an atomic power station and is doing very well.







Now the Nervous guy:

The worried face and the filiform body (Thinking uses the substance)

The senses on alert, never quiet, easily tired: The nervous system uses a lot of energy.

Between the idea and the action: um, you have to know how to wait. Many ideas but it does not move much …

It will be understood: It is a hypersensitive.



The problem is not hypersensitivity per se, it is the imbalance of strength between sensitivity and the capacity to digest what is perceived. Because the system ” Belly ” metabolizes the physical food but also all that enters by the senses.
The ” Head ” type needs a lot of calm to digest the impressions of a day.

We understand that the ” Belly ” have trouble imagining the difficulties encountered by systems ” Tete ”.

The poles themselves are never problems, the problem is to get stuck on one side.
This is where the rhythmic system comes into play: To communicate the 2 poles, and from moment to moment to harmonize them.

The situation is not hopeless: A belly can refine his perceptions and a nervous can learn to digest what he perceives. Starting from one pole or another, we move towards the heart.
The goal is not that we all look alike but that we can understand each other, work and live together …

The problem is that we live in a technological society that ignores these sensitivities and does not want to take them into account because it bothers the business of the waves and the comfort of those who use them.

And now a little pub anyway: Help balance these poles, it’s my job!
So for those who suffer from these waves, I can help you strengthen the metabolic pole, and the energy bubble that is supposed to protect you. I do not promise a miracle but a real improvement.

For those who missed it, I also refer to the article: https://shiatsudenhaag.org/language/fr/jouet-contre-wifi/

That’s it, I hope it will help you a little bit to clear up this case.

Friend of the awakening,
All the best!

PS: Know also for those interested that I prepare a physiology and energy course or I make the connection between anatomical, physiological and energetic knowledge. This knowledge leads to a protocol of care, accessible to those who have already developed enough sensitivity. I’ll talk to you again! …

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