Too much protein

If one gulps down too much protein, it doesn’t go over into the body at all, but into the fecal waste matter. Even so, the body does get something from it: before it passes out, it lies there in the intestines and becomes poisonous and poisons the whole body. That’s what can happen from too […]

Fruitful Center

There is a center in every human being which cannot be attacked, touched, violated, a center which remains intact and pure whatever happens. This center is the source of any progress and any healing. How do I know that? Honestly, I don’t know how I do know that. I know it, that’ all… And if […]

Generational traumas and physical pains.

  Traumas are passed on from generation to generation. Without noticing it we are actually carrying our all family’s story. As child we are very open and pick up the unsolved issues of our parents. It is then too much to take; we cannot experience those issues fully nor digest it. We disconnect ourselves from […]

The hero overcomes suffering

Why do we leave the theatre with a feeling of fulfilment after attending a tragedy? . Between advancing a step further and living through tragedy there is a link. […] The soul needs to form an organ so that it can bear suffering. Like the eye was formed by light, the ear by sound, suffering […]

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (text of 1834)

First voice `But why drives on that ship so fast, Without or wave or wind?’ Second voice `The air is cut away before, And closes from behind. Argument How a Ship having passed the Line was driven by storms to the cold Country towards the South Pole; and how from thence she made her course […]