Fruitful Center

001There is a center in every human being which cannot be attacked, touched, violated, a center which remains intact and pure whatever happens.
This center is the source of any progress and any healing.
How do I know that?
Honestly, I don’t know how I do know that. I know it, that’ all…

And if I’ m wrong, if one day I discover that it is just a conviction which has to fall like any others convictions, I can for sure tell what this conviction did for me and others:
This conviction allowed me to go through difficult times, to progress, not to give up, to learn and to transform.
This conviction allowed me to help lots of people, only through seeing in them this center, this capacity, this beauty and strength…
This conviction has helped them to make some steps on their own way, towards less suffering, more joy and fullness.
Being true or not, one thing is sure: This conviction is fruitful….

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