The body is a magic box! The more you open it, the more there is! You go from wonder to wonder. It is impossible not to be amazed that such a complexity can work as a whole. It is impossible not to be amazed through the subtlety and perfection of any detail of it. […]
Categorie archieven: Healing
If you enjoy meditating within a group this message is for you: here comes a morning with meditations and some short and simple physical exercises. It will happen on Saturday 11 April from 9.00 till 10.00. We keep it short and cheap: One hour maximum and only 5€, just for the costs of the location. […]
Today I went to see my daughter at a horse show. Before the competition she would be blank from fear. But the moment she started she went into focus. Her transformation was beautiful to see: From a little afraid kid to a very concentrated being. Even the horse changed its attitude. A strong feeling of […]
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