” If we go deeper into the detail of this (cosmic) evolution we will succeed to experience in our soul an alive overall picture of all the spirituals events and this image will have a specific property. (…)
The human being will be able to spiritualise the bodily functions and will also be in state of regulating the spiritual forces of the external world. The force of Christ will reign and act in him.
This impulsion, if strong enough, can reach the same goal than the one of antic path of initiation.”

Rudolf Steiner, The Gospel of Jean in relation to the other Gospels. (GA 112)

Vast program isn’t it?
But don’t worry, we will walk it step by step, everyone do it on its own rhythm, nothing can be forced in this work…

This course addresses to beginners feeling attracted to this particular spiritual path as well as people having already a good knowledge of Rudolf Steiner work.

Perhaps you have already studied the cosmic evolution according to R. Steiner but so many aspects stay unclear that you would like to dive into it again.

Or you feel deeply touched by it but also would like that those stories become somehow more concrete to you.

I will not hide the fact that this study ask for motivation and courage: It’s a very vast study (just about who we are and how the all cosmos is created!…). It ask thus to stay consequent in the search.


I’m here to facilitate this job! Since years and years I’m studying and meditating this subject. I’m giving lessons to a small group which I thank for giving me the opportunity to refine and renew the lessons and meditations.

As alive knowledge, this huge image of the cosmic evolution is of course impossible to set into a definitive picture. At contrary, it stays an open and alive image which always gets nourished through new perspectives, new insights and new implications for our daily life. This growing inner picture becomes an inner ground, a soil on which we can rest, find trust, energy and impulses to solve our individual challenges.

We can understand here how our little individual evolution can contribute to the evolution and recovery of the all Earth.

We can understand that we are not completely powerless regarding the big issues of our time. We can see that each step of any individual towards more harmony has effect on the all. This understanding leads us to more enthusiasm and implication into the world.

The materialistic vision of an earth floating into an empty cosmos where only mechanical forces are playing can only lead us to feelings of emptiness and absurdity of life. This vision can just not answer to any spiritual intuition.

This course addresses those who have the intuition or even the vision of some spiritual world acting behind matter.

After all it belongs to you to form your inner world. I can just facilitate the work by offering the result of my own studies. I mainly hope that it will motivate you to create own pictures, to form your own understanding.

You’re creativity stays completely free.

From those meditations you can expect deep effect on you’re being. Working with picture of the cosmic evolution slowly but surely brings some deep feeling of inner safety, calm and trust towards the events of your life. Even if youre not quite sure of how it works exactly, you just notice that you’re changing…

” The anthroposophy gives to the human being some spiritual nourishment which doesn’t come from the senses.” R.Steiner

Content of one lesson:
– Description of a part of the cosmic evolution as described by Rudolf Steiner
– Guided meditations so that the content of the lesson becomes an inner experience which makes sense to you.
– Sharing of inner experiences if you wish to do so.


Tempted by the adventure? You can contact me via mail: Click here, or via telephone:


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