Treatment fees:
- First session: 90,00 euro for 1,5 hour long.
- Next sessions
- 75 eu/ hour.
- 90 eu for 1,5 hour.
- Remote session: 70 eu/h. Most of the time the remote sessions are less than 1h.
Cancellation policy: An appointment can be cancelled 24 hours before session. Otherwise the session will be charged.
Guaranty: You get the first session reimbursed if you are not satisfied with it.
You have one week after the session to decide about it. You have thus enough time to let the session resonate in you and see what you want.
These are the insurance companies partially or totally covering Iokai Shiatsu: You are covered only with a ”Plus Pakket. ”
You do not pay your own risk: You receive reimbursement from the first treatment.
It is advised to contact your insurance company for specifics about receiving financial reimbursement and mention you’re treated by a registered Iokai Shiatsu therapist.
To see the reimbursement 2018, Click here:
Or look at this page:
Or you can look at the site of Iokai Shiatsu : V.I.S
– Member of the V.I.S. (Association for Iokai Shiatsu Therapists). Registration number A2004148
– Member of Shiatsu Vereniging Nederland, the professional association of all shiatsu therapists in the Netherlands. The SVN represents our shiatsu therapists and, together with the RBCZ, ensures that there are rules, so that our care is as optimal and responsible as possible and can be eligible for (partial) reimbursement by health insurers. With my colleagues, I take part each year in refresher courses in the field of shiatsu, oriental and western medicine. In addition, we organize peer review sessions to test our work.
– Member of the SCAG (Foundation for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) no. 10712
– Registered in the RBCZ register as Register Therapist BCZ Nr. 508013R
And subject to the disciplinary law of the Stichting Tuchtrecht Complementaire Zorg TCZ
– AGB: Healthcare provider code: 90031708, practice code: 90010634
This means that my practice for iokai shiatsu is officially recognized by health insurers and the tax authorities. The practical implementation fully meets the requirements laid down in the Wkkgz (Quality, Complaints and Health Care Disputes Act).
Disciplinary Disciplinary Care Foundation.
- I work with a treatment agreement.
- For children under 16, I’m working with a parental agreement.
- Here you can read the Privacy policy of InnerChoice-Shiatsu.

Registratie nr. A2004148

Nr. 508013R

nr. 10712
Click here for contact