Category Archives: Uncategorised

Sex education to children is a rape of the Soul

The very idea of ​​giving sex education to children is simply criminal and I will explain why: To truly understand it one must study the relationships of the soul and the body, especially the process of progressive incarnation of the soul in the body during growth. A materialist can not have this knowledge. To be […]

Why not to use ayahuaska for a western seaker.

This video is a phenomenoligical look on the forces involved in the western evolution of consciousness. The same phenomenological approach on what it does when you take some drugs which are modifying your consciousness. That’s all about seing that the 2 movements, the western mind  evolution and taking drugs are just contradicting each other. This […]

A meditation on Easter-Ascension-Pentecost

Hello everyone, I would like to share a meditation on this Easter-Ascension-Pentecost period. This meditation can also serve as an introduction to the next dialogue with Guillaume which will take place on April 27, 20: 00. The purpose of this meditation is to live this time of year more intensely and consciously. What I am […]

cosmic meditation

Yesterday we could start the meditations cycles about the cosmic creation. We use the descriptions of Rudolf Steiner.  I’ m each time amazed about the power of those meditations. The offer of the Thrones, the deep darkness, the streams of warmth… The beauty of creation is unfolding into a picture, a glimpse of it. And […]