Why is being awake tiring?

Waking and Sleeping

Phenomenology and Anthroposophy

The deepest mysteries are hidden in our most banal daily life.
Day and night, wakefulness and sleep: Getting up refreshed and full of strength, ending the day tired, sinking into the unconsciousness of sleep that restores us …
What do we really understand about all of this?

Is this sleep / wake duality immutable or is there a possible evolution? Is it possible to expand consciousness in sleep? Or to be awake and tireless?
The spiritually evolved beings often sleep very little. Is there a link between spiritual growth and the need for sleep?

This is what we will explore with two tools;

The phenomenology of the physical body: The human body speaks to us but we need a certain methodology to decipher it. We start from the visible in order to progress as far as possible towards the invisible. Then we reach a frontier, which is that of our perception of the physical world.

– We will then look from the other side: From the invisible to the visible using the teachings of an initiate: Rudolf Steiner.

Reality is multidimensional. We seek the intersection of our ordinary experience and the spiritual perspective in the hope of experiencing the creative forces at work in nature.

During the lessons we will do some meditations so that knowledge becomes lived experience.

Practical information:
Online seminars
In French: Mondays 12, 19 and 26 October from 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.
In English (or Dutch depending of the group): Thursdays 29/10, 2/11 and 12/11. From 5 p.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Price: 20 eu / class, (60 eu for the 3 classes).

To take courses 2 and 3, you must have taken course 1.
If you cannot join one lesson, recordings will be available.

Buy your ticket

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